Top 50 Plastic Enclosure Manufacturers

There are several challenges we face when developing an embedded product but One of the challenge embedded product development team faces is about the enclosure.

First we need to decide whether we need a custom enclosure or need to find a readily available enclosure and then design the electronics according to that enclosure.

If we decide to use a readily available enclosure, first we need to find the manufacturers who are manufacturing these enclosures and then find out which enclosure is suitable for our needs.

It looks simple but its a very time consuming task.

Top 50 Plastic Enclosure Manufacturers 1
Background Image Credit: OCW Enclosures

I thought it would be good to create a list of plastic enclosure manufacturers who are selling standard enclosures.

So, here is a list of more than 50 plastic enclosure manufacturers across the globe, some are very popular, many of you must be already aware of them. I will keep adding more as soon as I find more name.

I hope this will be useful for some of you.

Plastic Enclosure Manufacturers for Electronics Products

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